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Now the style is Doğtaş

Doğtaş, a superbrand of furniture industry, says "Now the style is Doğtaş" in its brand new TV commercial.

As Turkey's leading and trendsetting power in furniture industry, Doğtaş met the audience with its new "Now the style is Doğtaş" ad campaign from MullenLowe Istanbul.

The ad campaign, which focuses on the rapid change and innovation in recent years along with keeping up with the world, tells a fun story of change that covers furniture. Doğtaş's modern designs reflect the current trends as they become the centerpieces of new homes.

While the commercial portrays these "new style" homes, it also touches on social media's influence on our lives. The triggers for change in the film are of course social media posts and likes. In the finale of the clip, the phrase "May you get a lot of likes, Turkey!" makes a witty connection to this.